"So, essentially a microwave oven is a .5-1kW radio transmitter, with huge amounts of sideband noise, concentrated on 2.4GHz, which is the same as our WIFI network...
A microwave oven with a minor fault, say it got it's covering dismantled[1], works just fine for jamming a WIFI network. I've not detected any damage from this, but the network certainly stopped working, which is nice enough. It at least ensures that nobody's hurting your network performance via wifi...
[1] Please note that this might not be entirely legal, no matter where you are in the world. The maximum transmission power is usually under a watt, and you're about 2000 (33dB) times above that limit..."
pYranha Lombreek
"So, essentially a microwave oven is a .5-1kW radio transmitter, with huge amounts of sideband noise, concentrated on 2.4GHz, which is the same as our WIFI network...
A microwave oven with a minor fault, say it got it's covering dismantled[1], works just fine for jamming a WIFI network. I've not detected any damage from this, but the network certainly stopped working, which is nice enough. It at least ensures that nobody's hurting your network performance via wifi...
[1] Please note that this might not be entirely legal, no matter where you are in the world. The maximum transmission power is usually under a watt, and you're about 2000 (33dB) times above that limit..."
Potiche En réponse à Bellus Super vilain
pYranha En réponse à Bellus Lombreek
gromilou En réponse à pYranha LeSaCaFouTRe
galdius En réponse à gromilou LoMBriK addict !
pYranha En réponse à galdius Lombreek
babausse Asticot