Rien à voir avec ton commentaire (ou presque) mais je viens de réaliser que lorsqu'on écrivait le mot "fïrst" en commentaire, ça remplaçait pas "Génial ce fichier ! "
APPLIED CARDIOLOGY : for seeking and finding evidence that when new romantic partners meet for the f.irst time, and feel attracted to each other, their heart rates synchronize.
LITERATURE : for analyzing what makes legal documents unnecessarily difficult to understand.
BIOLOGY : for studying whether and how constipation affects the mating prospects of scorpions.
MEDICINE : for showing that when patients undergo some forms of toxic chemotherapy, they suffer fewer harmful side effects when ice cream replaces one traditional component of the procedure.
ENGINEERING : for trying to discover the most efficient way for people to use their fingers when turning a knob.
ART HISTORY : for their study “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ritual Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery.”
PHYSICS : for trying to understand how ducklings manage to swim in formation.
PEACE : for developing an algorithm to help gossipers decide when to tell the truth and when to lie.
ECONOMICS : for explaining, mathematically, why success most often goes not to the most talented people, but instead to the luckiest.
SAFETY ENGINEERING : for developing a moose crash test dummy.
Les Ignobels récompensent des études qui semblent débiles au premier abord, mais qui en fait sont intéressantes sur le fond ou la forme. Tout le contraire de Raoult qui semble intéressant au premier abord mais qui en fait est débile sur le fond et la forme ;)
Morph Vermisseau
Kourath En réponse à Morph
D'où le f.irst de mon intervention en dessous...
eyhtern En réponse à Kourath
LITERATURE : for analyzing what makes legal documents unnecessarily difficult to understand.
BIOLOGY : for studying whether and how constipation affects the mating prospects of scorpions.
MEDICINE : for showing that when patients undergo some forms of toxic chemotherapy, they suffer fewer harmful side effects when ice cream replaces one traditional component of the procedure.
ENGINEERING : for trying to discover the most efficient way for people to use their fingers when turning a knob.
ART HISTORY : for their study “A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ritual Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery.”
PHYSICS : for trying to understand how ducklings manage to swim in formation.
PEACE : for developing an algorithm to help gossipers decide when to tell the truth and when to lie.
ECONOMICS : for explaining, mathematically, why success most often goes not to the most talented people, but instead to the luckiest.
SAFETY ENGINEERING : for developing a moose crash test dummy.
(Pas de quoi)
BarneyGumbles Lombric Shaolin
Nyny En réponse à BarneyGumbles Jeune asticot
nener Vermisseau