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ssss Vermisseau
Flaneur Ver TikToké
Guaruda En réponse à Flaneur Asticot
NainPorteQui Vermisseau
Guaruda En réponse à NainPorteQui Asticot
ouchdinw Vermisseau
Guaruda Asticot
Everything is under control. The mortality risk of this virus is not higher than influenza. People should not be frightened. Trust your government
It is really unfortunate because we have been facing this problem. People must show as much caution as they can. They need to confine themselves for a while to be protected against it.
Il ne manquerait une petite option d'entre deux? Dans le premier cas tu ne fais pas assez peur, dans le second c'est la panique assuré.
NainPorteQui Vermisseau