Les climatologues s’inquiètent : les nouveaux modèles pointent vers un réchauffement de 5°C
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815 Vermisseau
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Mylo est le meilleur en la matière, je ne voudrais pas marcher sur ses plates-bandes
gwen Vermisseau
Pascal Praud
Journaliste expérimenté
magnussoren Ver (re-)cyclable
Libel Vermisseau
p. VII
At the end of 2018, the average global air temperature is continuing a gradual descent towards the level characterising the years before the strong 2015–16 El Niño episode. This underscores that the global surface temperature peak of 2015–16 was caused mainly by this Pacific oceanographic phenomenon. It also suggests that what has been termed ‘the temperature pause’, ‘hiatus’, or similar terms, may reestablish itself in the future.
After the warm year of 2016, temperatures last year continued to fall back to levels of the so-called warming “pause” of 2000-2015. There is no sign of any acceleration in global temperature, hurricanes or sea-level rise. These empirical observations show no sign of acceleration whatsoever.
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