Emergency Landing of a Boeing 737

It happened in Lanaudière, (Quebec). I saw this Boeing 737 flying in all directions. The pilot was trying to maneuver the aircraft into the fog. It was scary. It is the most impressive event I have seen in my life. Luckily, all the passengers are still alive and they have not suffered any injuries. Good job to the pilot.

Envoyé par prankyboy le 12 octobre 2017 à 20h05

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Haaaaaa lala, le rigolo. Trop trololo.
+ 1 -

yosegaman Jeune lombric

alors comme ça, on vient sur lelombrick faire son auto-promo ?
+ 4 -

Astre_radieux Ver luisant

Image de Astre_radieux
+ 2 -

Kudsak Vermisseau

Oh dear, YOU are in trouble...
+ 1 -

Peevee LoMBriK addict !

MAIS c'est quoi ça ? ..tellement meurdique que ça ressemble à de la mayrde
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