Pendant ce temps, à Moray (Ecosse)...

Photo de Juri Maksimov

Photo de Juri Maksimov

Envoyé par Ced le 23 août 2016 à 18h15

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vins54 Vermisseau

Wesh Morray....
(déjà loin très loin)
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Tabernakos En réponse à vins54 Vermisseau

Pour les incultes et/ou vivant loin de France (comme moi)....
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Orme Dresseuse de lombriks

*soupir* Ced, aurais-tu le lien ? la compression ui site a gâché l'image.
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Tabernakos Vermisseau

Image de Tabernakos
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le-long-brick Longbric

Et après, on s'étonne que moults écossais soient roux...
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THM077 Lombric

Tu va mettre "pendant ce temps" sur tout les photo qui date de plus de 10 ans ??
Puis il sort d'ou ce Juri Maksimov ??
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Orme Dresseuse de lombriks

Six in the morn, oot ma baed, cup o' haet caffee, git the paper raed, rake in the tinnie fur a wee jam scone, nihing bit crumbs, fit the hell's gin oan ?
Pinsion day, hoose is dry, mebbe gae tae Murdoch's fur a wee staek pie; up the street, weel fa did a see ? Doad an' Wully in the Raed Beestee.
Quater tae six, Ah'd better go, she'll wunner far ah am, be up tae high doe; a winner oan ma coupon'll calm hings doon, itherwise, ah'll be a henpeckit loon!
Came in aboot, nae smell, nae pan, naeb'dy aroon', fuar'n the hell hiv thae gang ? « Far hiv YOU been ? » she girns at me ; « Nivir mind that, fuar'n the hell's ma tea ? »
Fuar's ma mince ? Fuar's ma mince ? Haed a wee drap Windsday an' ah've haed nane since. Plinty o' tatty, big green laef, ah get a big moan but nae buggerin' baef !!!
Ah'm oot in a sweat an' ah'm panickin' noo: on the sirch fur a bliddy big coo ! Rummel aboot, high and lo, nihing fur it, awa tae Tesco.
Hoof doon the wid, nip in the air, only wunted ma maet, didna wunt ony mair; hands in ma poackets and sna oan the grun, slipped oan the path, a' ah cud dee wis run !
Weel, ah plummeted doon at an affa speed; Christ A'michty ah thocht ah wis deid ! Jist hung oan an staedied the ship, Jeesus min, ah fair swung ma hips !
Goat tae Tesco, jist in time, nae cloased yit bit that suits me fine; bit fit'n the hell's this ? Shelves bereft « Wir soary mister, thir's nae baef left ! »
Fuar's ma mince ? Fuar's ma mince ? Haed a wee drap Windsday an' ah've haed nane since. Plinty o' tatty, big green laef, thir's plinty excuses but nae buggerin' baef !!!
Fit can a man dee ? The wurld's goan tae pot, nae bliddy wunner a man taks the shot, I dinna wunt the earth an' I couldna gie a dam, Ah'm jist nae in the mood for corned baef nor spam !
Ah've a bliddy guid mind tae mak a phone call, oan tae thae buggers at Interpol, nae baef, nae maet, fit an affa cairy oan ! At's nae bliddy mince, fit the bliddy hell's yon !!?
Fuar's ma mince ? Fuar's ma mince ? Haed a wee drap Windsday an' ah've haed nane since. Plinty o' tatty, big green laef, dis naeb'dy care ah've nae buggerin' baef !!!?
Fuar's ma bliddy denner min?
Fit kinna bliddy caper's this, eh?
Ah'll bliddy mince ye, aye.
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