Space Core

Du gâteau vous sera donner à la fin de cette description..

What’s your favorite thing about space? Mine is space. Space.Gotta go to space. Lady. Lady.Oo. Oo. Oo. Lady. Oo. Lady. Oo. Let’s go to space.
Space going to space can’t wait.
Space… Space. Trial. Puttin’ the system on trial. In space. Space system. On trial. Guilty. Of being in space! Going to space jail!
Dad! I’m in space!
[low-pitched 'space' voice] I’m proud of you, son.
[normal voice] Dad, are you space?
[low-pitched 'space' voice] Yes. Now we are a family again.
Space space wanna go to space yes please space. Space space. Go to space.
Space space wanna go to space
Space space going to space oh boy
Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba! Space! Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba!
Oh. Play it cool. Play it cool. Here come the space cops.
Help me, space cops. Space cops, help.
Going to space going there can’t wait gotta go. Space. Going.
Better buy a telescope. Wanna see me. Buy a telescope. Gonna be in space.
Space. Space.
I’m going to space.
Oh boy.
Yeah yeah yeah okay okay.
Space. Space. Gonna go to space.
Space. Space. Go to space. Yes. Please. Space. Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba! Space! Gonna be in space. Ohhhh, space. Wanna go to space. Space. Let’s go – let’s go to space. Let’s go to space.
I love space. Love space.
Atmosphere. Black holes. Astronauts. Nebulas. Jupiter. The Big Dipper.
Orbit. Space orbit. In my spacesuit.
Ohhh, the Sun. I’m gonna meet the Sun. Oh no! What’ll I say? ‘Hi! Hi, Sun!’ Oh, boy! Look, an eclipse! No. Don’t look. Come here, space. I have a secret for you. No, come closer.Space space wanna go to space Wanna go to — wanna go to spaceSpace wanna go wanna go to space wanna go to space
I’m going to space. Hey hey hey hey hey! Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey lady. Lady.  Space! Lady. Oh I know! I know I know I know I know I know – let’s go to space!
Oooh! Ooh! Hi hi hi hi hi. Where we going? Where we going? Hey. Lady. Where we going? Where we going? Let’s go to space!
Lady. I love space. I know! Spell it! S P… AACE. Space. Space.
I love space.Hey lady. Lady. I’m the best. I’m the best at space.Oh oh oh oh. Wait wait. Wait I know. I know. I know wait. Space.Wait wait wait wait. I know I know I know. Lady wait. Wait. I know. Wait. Space.
Gotta go to space.Gonna be in space.Oh oh oh ohohohoh oh. Gotta go to space.
Space. Space. Space. Space. Comets. Stars. Galaxies. Orion.Are we in space yet? What’s the hold-up? Gotta go to space. Gotta go to SPACE.
Going to space.Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m going. Going to space.Love space. Need to go to space.
Space space space. Going. Going there. Okay. I love you, space.So much space. Need to see it all.You are the farthest ever in space. Why me, space? Because you are the best. I’m the best at space? Yes.Space Court. For people in space. Judge space sun presiding. Bam. Guilty. Ofbeing in space. I’m in space.Please go to space.
Wanna go to space.
Gotta go to space. Yeah. Gotta go to space.
Hmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmm. Hmmmmm. Space!
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I’m in space!
Space? SPACE!
I’m in space.
Where am I? Guess. Guess guess guess. I’m in space.
There’s a star. There’s another one. Star. Star star star. Star.Getting bored of space.Bam! Bam bam bam! Take that, space.Are we in space?
We are?
Oh oh oh. This is space! I’m in space!
We made it we made it we made it. Space!
Wanna go to earth.
Wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth. Wanna go to earth.
Wanna go home.Wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home.Earth earth earth.Don’t like space. Don’t like space.It’s too big. Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to earth.SPAAACCCCCE!SPAAACE!YEEEHAAAAAW!

The cake is a lie..The cake is a lie..The cake is a lie..

Du gâteau vous sera donner à la fin de cette description..

What’s your favorite thing about space? Mine is space. Space.Gotta go to space. Lady. Lady.Oo. Oo. Oo. Lady. Oo. Lady. Oo. Let’s go to space.
Space going to space can’t wait.
Space… Space. Trial. Puttin’ the system on trial. In space. Space system. On trial. Guilty. Of being in space! Going to space jail!
Dad! I’m in space!
[low-pitched 'space' voice] I’m proud of you, son.
[normal voice] Dad, are you space?
[low-pitched 'space' voice] Yes. Now we are a family again.
Space space wanna go to space yes please space. Space space. Go to space.
Space space wanna go to space
Space space going to space oh boy
Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba! Space! Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba!
Oh. Play it cool. Play it cool. Here come the space cops.
Help me, space cops. Space cops, help.
Going to space going there can’t wait gotta go. Space. Going.
Better buy a telescope. Wanna see me. Buy a telescope. Gonna be in space.
Space. Space.
I’m going to space.
Oh boy.
Yeah yeah yeah okay okay.
Space. Space. Gonna go to space.
Space. Space. Go to space. Yes. Please. Space. Ba! Ba! Ba ba ba! Space! Gonna be in space. Ohhhh, space. Wanna go to space. Space. Let’s go – let’s go to space. Let’s go to space.
I love space. Love space.
Atmosphere. Black holes. Astronauts. Nebulas. Jupiter. The Big Dipper.
Orbit. Space orbit. In my spacesuit.
Ohhh, the Sun. I’m gonna meet the Sun. Oh no! What’ll I say? ‘Hi! Hi, Sun!’ Oh, boy! Look, an eclipse! No. Don’t look. Come here, space. I have a secret for you. No, come closer.Space space wanna go to space Wanna go to — wanna go to spaceSpace wanna go wanna go to space wanna go to space
I’m going to space. Hey hey hey hey hey! Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey lady. Lady. Space! Lady. Oh I know! I know I know I know I know I know – let’s go to space!
Oooh! Ooh! Hi hi hi hi hi. Where we going? Where we going? Hey. Lady. Where we going? Where we going? Let’s go to space!
Lady. I love space. I know! Spell it! S P… AACE. Space. Space.
I love space.Hey lady. Lady. I’m the best. I’m the best at space.Oh oh oh oh. Wait wait. Wait I know. I know. I know wait. Space.Wait wait wait wait. I know I know I know. Lady wait. Wait. I know. Wait. Space.
Gotta go to space.Gonna be in space.Oh oh oh ohohohoh oh. Gotta go to space.
Space. Space. Space. Space. Comets. Stars. Galaxies. Orion.Are we in space yet? What’s the hold-up? Gotta go to space. Gotta go to SPACE.
Going to space.Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m going. Going to space.Love space. Need to go to space.
Space space space. Going. Going there. Okay. I love you, space.So much space. Need to see it all.You are the farthest ever in space. Why me, space? Because you are the best. I’m the best at space? Yes.Space Court. For people in space. Judge space sun presiding. Bam. Guilty. Ofbeing in space. I’m in space.Please go to space.
Wanna go to space.
Gotta go to space. Yeah. Gotta go to space.
Hmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmm. Hmmmmm. Space!
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! I’m in space!
Space? SPACE!
I’m in space.
Where am I? Guess. Guess guess guess. I’m in space.
There’s a star. There’s another one. Star. Star star star. Star.Getting bored of space.Bam! Bam bam bam! Take that, space.Are we in space?
We are?
Oh oh oh. This is space! I’m in space!
We made it we made it we made it. Space!
Wanna go to earth.
Wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth wanna go to earth. Wanna go to earth.
Wanna go home.Wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home wanna go home.Earth earth earth.Don’t like space. Don’t like space.It’s too big. Too big. Wanna go home. Wanna go to earth.SPAAACCCCCE!SPAAACE!YEEEHAAAAAW!

The cake is a lie..The cake is a lie..The cake is a lie..

Envoyé par Geekmoretzzz le 26 juin 2014 à 09h46

+ 1 -

Spara Jeune asticot

Tu as prit ton gâteau ce matin ?
+ 0 -

Acopicat Lombric

-10 … désolé. Mais c'est vraiment nul. Bises
+ 0 -

Geekmoretzzz Vermisseau

Spara => Yhep beaucoup trop X) Mode Portal ON depuis ce matin xD
Sinon grammar nazi dans ma description.. : "Du gâteau vous sera donné.."
Acopicat => Le jeu Portal est vraiment bon donc avoir le Space core (complètement targe!!) en fond d'écran est pretty cool.
J'ai vocation dans cette thématique #wallpaper de créer une banque de fonds d'écran plutôt sympa, geek et disponible facilement pour les lombrics.
Proposes des wallpapers mieux que celui-la s'ils ne te plaisent pas =P bises
+ 0 -

Spara En réponse à Geekmoretzzz Jeune asticot

Il y a une fonction "répondre" ;)
J'aime bien ce fond d'écran, je te l'ai piqué.
Pour ma part je veut bien voir les autres, mais certain diront que ce n'est pas le but du Lombrik et ils n'auraient pas tord.
+ 1 -

Geekmoretzzz En réponse à Spara Vermisseau

Yhep je sais mais je voulais répondre aux deux en même temps X)
Sinon woui les fonds d'écran ne sont pas le but de lelombrik (ou il faudrait qu'il soit tous drôle/fun..) c'est pour cela que je me limite à 1 ou 2 wallpaper par jour ^-^ Après un moyen pour ne pas flooder serait de faire une série avec un thème donné et de mettre les autres en commentaire.
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