À tous les abrutis qui crient au fake sans avoir la capacité intellectuelle pour se sortir les doigts du cul afin de vérifier l'info : cette photo est authentique.
« During the annular eclipse there was a group of astronomers and park rangers at Glen Canyon showing visitors the eclipse. I was lucky enough to capture their activity with the sun itself as the backdrop! »
Location: Glenn Canyon National Recreational Area, near Page, AZ
Subjects: Sun, Sunspots, Moon, unknown group of observers
Photographer: Steven Gilbert
Ced En réponse à john5 Lombrik
Baldoin En réponse à john5 Lombric Shaolin
john5 En réponse à john5
alcarbone Vermisseau
Orme Dresseuse de lombriks
« During the annular eclipse there was a group of astronomers and park rangers at Glen Canyon showing visitors the eclipse. I was lucky enough to capture their activity with the sun itself as the backdrop! »
Location: Glenn Canyon National Recreational Area, near Page, AZ
Subjects: Sun, Sunspots, Moon, unknown group of observers
Photographer: Steven Gilbert
Source :
Starship Asterisk, le forum officiel de l'APOD
Le blog photo du photographe en question :