Nabeshin is the animated alter-ego of real-life director Shinichi Watanabe, who previously appeared in Puni Puni Poemy's forerunner, Excel Saga. At the conclusion of that series, he married Kumi-Kumi, and at the beginning of this show, they have adopted ten-year-old Poemy. As in Excel Saga, Nabeshin seems to be constantly hunted down by different enemies, and being the director of these shows, he displays super-human abilities that involve his afro. In this occasion, Nabeshin and his wife are successfully killed by crucifixion, along with their robotic pet dog, by Alien #1. However, near the end of the second part they are inexplicably alive and appear to be the alien henchmen themselves. »
Tout le monde a raison, on parle de la meme personne :) Nab
tenev911 va mourir avec ton afro samouraï ! Cette daube ne mérite même le nom de série animé , loin derrière la maison de mickey ou agent secret oso , tu vois le niveau ?
Orme Dresseuse de lombriks
anikasamas LoMBriK addict !
rushu LoMBriK addict !
florent333 Lombric entomophobic
Orme Dresseuse de lombriks
Voiced by: Shinichi Watanabe (Japanese), Brett Weaver (English)
Nabeshin is the animated alter-ego of real-life director Shinichi Watanabe, who previously appeared in Puni Puni Poemy's forerunner, Excel Saga. At the conclusion of that series, he married Kumi-Kumi, and at the beginning of this show, they have adopted ten-year-old Poemy. As in Excel Saga, Nabeshin seems to be constantly hunted down by different enemies, and being the director of these shows, he displays super-human abilities that involve his afro. In this occasion, Nabeshin and his wife are successfully killed by crucifixion, along with their robotic pet dog, by Alien #1. However, near the end of the second part they are inexplicably alive and appear to be the alien henchmen themselves. »
Tout le monde a raison, on parle de la meme personne :) Nab
zurcad Lombric Shaolin
Tango Alpha Polpo Lombric Shaolin
Orme Dresseuse de lombriks
Charles Darwin Observateur
tenev911 Asticodeur
And10 Lombric
AutoDivin Lombric preneur de tête
Zeleth Lombric Shaolin
Orme Dresseuse de lombriks
Zeleth Lombric Shaolin