
Les secrets du tournage!

Les secrets du tournage!

Envoyé par francisdemillau le 8 février 2011 à 09h00

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Tominou LoMBriK addict !

J'ai lu Goastebuster T_T
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La fée cal Jeune lombric

failed Tominou!
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VicZo Jeune lombric

Quand t'as joué dans Oz tu dois avoir l'habitude
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On est jamais mieux servi que par soit-même.
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I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?
You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?Lets do it in the butt, okay...
I feel you watching me. Over there. Come to me, if you care. Don't sit and stare. It's just not fair. Make your move, if you dare.
I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?
You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?Lets do it in the butt, okay...
It's okay, if you have a little fight. Don't you worry: I won't bite (not that hard). If you want it, I'll give you power. Just be gentle, I'm delicate like a flower.
I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?I said what what, in the butt?
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mortifus Jeune lombric

Faille temporelle
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le-long-brick Longbric

Deeper, and deeper, and deeper...
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rushu LoMBriK addict !

le jeune encule le vieux (comme en france...)
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Ambellina Lombric Shaolin

ahah auto positronné
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Zebulon Man Faye Gang Bang Addict

Ghostbusters ça fait des siècles, gars ! faut passer à autre chose !...
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rastabanana LoMBriK addict !

Il sent le succès le pénétré.
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el_kantero LoMBriK addict !

et faut pas croiser les jets
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Henry_Hill Ver macht addikkkt

l'expression anglophone "go fuck yourself" prend tout son sens
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Intøx' Lombric

haseo-san -> +1
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Photo prise au bon moment sous un bon angle
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