La légende de Zelda IRL
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archon LoMBriK addict !
Bluesheep Ver laine blues
Untitled LoMBriK addict !
1tibo2 Lombric Shaolin
bonne idée, mais c'est pas très développé....
Pentokrator LoMBriK addict !
Sinon, j'ai connu mieux comme parodie de Zelda IRL, je plussoie 1tibo2 dans ses dires.
Yoshimi LoMBriK addict !
Ducon Lombric
Oh my god....I was fooling around with my boyfriend the other night....
Right when I grabbed his cock, we heard the "get item" sound from Legend of Zelda.
It's apparently his e-mail alert on his phone.
It took us 20 minutes to stop laughing. The timing on that was impeccable.
Alex_Tazou Lombric
Zebulon Man Faye Gang Bang Addict
feyfey Lombrique girafe cougar chienne poule y dort