Boîte à musique de 1902
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Jildissime Vermisseau
bidoop Vermisseau
Je n'ai pas saisi où la scène se situe.. C'est un musée? (celui de Mirecourt justement?) Une brocante?
phil_good En réponse à bidoop Ver singe (et torix)
"Yes this was in the Post Office Antique Mall in Ladysmith, BC, along with an array of others in working order as well as a Charlie Chaplin ‘silent movie peep viewer’ and a ‘3D peep show’ of classic 1920s nudes, we got there when the owner was in and he has a collection of old tokens the machines are operated by and he happily ran through the mall and got them all working for us!"
bidoop En réponse à phil_good Vermisseau
tigana Vermisseau
Ildran Vermisseau
geroditmot Vermisseau