Je sais qu'il à déjà été posté dans "liens en vrac" mais ce site est bien sympa quand même et il mérite son propre topic
J'explique le principe du site pour ceux qui connaissent pas:
Omegle permet de "chatter" avec des gens venant de n'importe où dans le monde
Vous pourrez poster dans ce topic les conversations les plus insolites que vous avez pu avoir.
En voici une plutôt pas mal:
You: hi
Stranger: emoh dnif tnac i
You: you can't find home?
Stranger: damn nice
You: ^^
Stranger: your good
Stranger: most ppl say HUH
Stranger: morons
You: what?
Stranger: are you a sex offender
You: i think not
Stranger: you think your not a sex offender so your not sure?
You: i'm not sure
Stranger: have you fucked kids,dogs,pigs,horses,or any other animal or exposed yourself in public
Stranger: that would make u one
You: just cats
Stranger: u must hve a tiny penis
You: no, they have a large anus
Stranger: your a sick mother fucker
Stranger: or cat fuckr
You: have you a cat?
Stranger: yes
You: what's his name?
Stranger: snowball
You: like the simpsons??
Stranger: i guess
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Il m'a égayé ma nuit d'insomnie celui-là
A vos claviers maintenant!!
Web site: Anti-Travail
Hors ligne
Je suis fan de ce truc depuis des mois... Je poste pas mes logs pour l'instant, y'en a pas beaucoup de soft |:
EDIT: Bon j'en ai trouvé un ni trop hard, ni trop personnel, ni trop hors-sujet. Espérons.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
Stranger: were you from
You: Hi.
You: I'm God, you little sucker, you'd better not ask this twice.
You: And since I don't like you, I'm leaving.
You: Gonna have buttsex with Jesus.
You have disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: The Who.
Stranger: i cant outwit it.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Dernière modification par Moondie (08.08.2009 10:37:18)
Hors ligne
Hahaha, comme ce truc est marrant ! On peut se foutre de la gueule des gens sans peur !
You: hi !
Stranger: hi
Stranger: f?
You: yes
Stranger: from
You: im from groenland
Stranger: f/m?
You: alien
Stranger: hay my boyfriend cheated on my twice and i think it would be nice if you texted him or called him and got alot of people to do it to give him sh-it
Stranger: i have his number
Stranger: francis you do this for me please?
You: yeah
You: gimme his number
Stranger: 321 695 5043
Stranger: his names justin
Stranger: tell me what he says to
Stranger: thank you soo much
You: sorry im silent
You: lds ?
Stranger: [Omegle is legally required to inform you that you are currently chatting with a registered sex offender.]
Stranger: hey:)
Stranger: wanna have some fun
You: why not ?
Stranger: how old
You: im 67 !
Dernière modification par Dark-Lord (11.08.2009 15:41:38)
Hors ligne
Allez, ma contribution (en une seule et unique conversation, pas mal!):
Stranger: hi
You: good morning
Stranger: what time is there?
You: 9.41
Stranger: wow..
Stranger: are you a student?
You: nop
You: policeman
Stranger: oh
Allez, une deuxième:
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: what's up?
Stranger: how r u?
Stranger: im fine
You: not too bad, and you?
Stranger: u?
You: what?
You: just told you i'm grand...
Stranger: im fine
You: you a student?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: u?
You: no
You: lecturer at university
Stranger: yea
Stranger: what project?
You: just testing some new computer softwares
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Dernière modification par Ced (11.08.2009 08:44:56)
'Ils ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux.' (Etienne de La Boétie)
'Soyez réaliste, demandez l'impossible' (Ernesto Guevara)
'Bien heureux les langues de p****.'(Jésus - Le Troisième Evangile selon St Emilion, verseZ 8.6)
Smile, you're on CCTV!
Hors ligne
Stranger: u most a romantic person
Stranger: but I doubt if u r really from france~
You: ho? why?
Stranger: u r english seems not good
Le français est donc nul en anglais aux yeux du monde entier! x_x
Vous pouvez me remercier! x_x
Dernière modification par euRi (23.08.2009 15:37:24)
Hors ligne
A l'instant même:
You: Hello
Stranger: hey male
Stranger: ?
You: yes.
Stranger: good me 2 ;p
You: ahah
Stranger: kiss the tip?
You: no
Stranger: well u want 2 try \
Stranger: ?
You: no
You: are you gay ?
Stranger: yes
You: not me
You: ahah
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Merci de m'avoir fait découvrir ce site, assez sympa il faut dire.
Dernière modification par Nyuk (02.09.2009 00:27:43)
Hors ligne
You: Hello
Stranger: hey.
Stranger: whats your name?
You: Welcome to Omegle Chatroom (Beta)! Please enter your desired username. Usernames must only contain numbers and letters and be 1-15 characters long.
Stranger: uhhh
You: Please type your username again to confirm, or enter a different one.
Stranger: my user francis be
Stranger: getarealgirl
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: uizgay
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: suck cock?
You: Please enter your desired username. Usernames must only contain numbers and letters and be 1-15 characters long.
Stranger: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
You: Please type your username again to confirm, or enter a different one.
Stranger: lol
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: please try again
You: Please enter your desired username. Usernames must only contain numbers and letters and be 1-15 characters long.
Stranger: 1-15 characters long.
You: Please type your username again to confirm, or enter a different one.
Stranger: different one.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: suck cock u indian chineese foriegner
You: Please enter your desired username. Usernames must only contain numbers and letters and be 1-15 characters long.
Stranger: lalaal
Stranger: alaa
Stranger: ll
Stranger: alalala
Stranger: gh
Stranger: dfthdrh
Stranger: thj
Stranger: tyj
Stranger: dty
You: Please type your username again to confirm, or enter a different one.
Stranger: yj
Stranger: tyj
Stranger: yj
Stranger: jd
Stranger: dry
Stranger: dtyj
Stranger: drty
Stranger: sj
Stranger: j
Stranger: dr
Stranger: dy
Stranger: srjhr
Stranger: hrthr
Stranger: thrth
Stranger: rt
Stranger: hsr
Stranger: thhrt
Stranger: htrh
Stranger: trsh
Stranger: th
Stranger: tstrt
Stranger: hr
Stranger: thrthr
Stranger: th
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: rthrth
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: rthrth
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: trh
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: hrtrt
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: rthr
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: rth
Stranger: rth
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: rth
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: yjd
Stranger: jy
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: dt
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: d
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: dr
Stranger: jd
Stranger: yj
Stranger: tyj
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: yj
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: hh
Stranger: h
Stranger: h
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
Stranger: hh
You: Wrong. The usernames are not the sames. Please try again.
Stranger: hh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Ca fait du bien de rire de temps en temps =')
Web site: Anti-Travail
Hors ligne
Comprends pas trop l'intérêt de ce site, le pire c'est que des gens sont sérieux. Discuter avec les inconnus, pas trop mon trip. Maintenant pour les délires faut voir, si on a rien d'autre à faire ... ^^
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: xupa
Stranger: wanna sex with me?
You: si
Stranger: are you italian?
You: quiero que tu chupa me la
You: no I'm french
You: are you good to ... blowjob ?
Stranger: owh, can you show me the greatest sex?
You: yh
Stranger: yeah, i love it
You: If you do ?
Stranger: are you male?
You: yh
Stranger: to what?
You: what to what
You: are u male 2 ?
Stranger: what do ou know 'bout sex style?
Stranger: no, i'm female
You: oh fuck
You: gay pwnge
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i find girl who has cam , i have msn
You: wow
You have disconnected.
RE-EDIT : Viens d'apprendre "ASL" : age/sex/location.
Dès que je dis que je suis Belge c'est fini (pareil en parlant à un français)
Dernière modification par el rey de sus nalgas (04.11.2009 15:41:36)
Hors ligne