32 métronomes se synchronisent tout seul

Lequel a gardé le rythme ?

Envoyé par Alix le 4 février 2014 à 11h35

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Alix LeLoMBriK

Flemme de traduire, désolé :

If you place 32 metronomes on a static object and set them rocking out of phase with one another, they will remain that way indefinitely. Place them on a moveable surface, however, and something very interesting (and very mesmerizing) happens.

The metronomes in this video fall into the latter camp. Energy from the motion of one ticking metronome can affect the motion of every metronome around it, while the motion of every other metronome affects the motion of our original metronome right back. All this inter-metranome "communication" is facilitated by the board, which serves as an energetic intermediary between all the metronomes that rest upon its surface. The metronomes in this video (which are really just pendulums, or, if you want to get really technical, oscillators) are said to be "coupled."

The math and physics surrounding coupled oscillators are actually relevant to a variety of scientific phenomena, including the transfer of sound and thermal conductivity. For a much more detailed explanation of how this works, and how to try it for yourself, check out this excellent video by condensed matter physicist Adam Milcovich.
If you place 32 metronomes on a static object and set them rocking out of phase with one another, they will remain that way indefinitely. Place them on a moveable surface, however, and something very interesting (and very mesmerizing) happens.

The metronomes in this video fall into the latter camp. Energy from the motion of one ticking metronome can affect the motion of every metronome around it, while the motion of every other metronome affects the motion of our original metronome right back. All this inter-metranome "communication" is facilitated by the board, which serves as an energetic intermediary between all the metronomes that rest upon its surface. The metronomes in this video (which are really just pendulums, or, if you want to get really technical, oscillators) are said to be "coupled."

The math and physics surrounding coupled oscillators are actually relevant to a variety of scientific phenomena, including the transfer of sound and thermal conductivity. For a much more detailed explanation of how this works, and how to try it for yourself, check out this excellent video by condensed matter physicist Adam Milcovich.
If you place 32 metronomes on a static object and set them rocking out of phase with one another, they will remain that way indefinitely. Place them on a moveable surface, however, and something very interesting (and very mesmerizing) happens.

The metronomes in this video fall into the latter camp. Energy from the motion of one ticking metronome can affect the motion of every metronome around it, while the motion of every other metronome affects the motion of our original metronome right back. All this inter-metranome "communication" is facilitated by the board, which serves as an energetic intermediary between all the metronomes that rest upon its surface. The metronomes in this video (which are really just pendulums, or, if you want to get really technical, oscillators) are said to be "coupled."

The math and physics surrounding coupled oscillators are actually relevant to a variety of scientific phenomena, including the transfer of sound and thermal conductivity. For a much more detailed explanation of how this works, and how to try it for yourself, check out this excellent video by condensed matter physicist Adam Milcovich.
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Oblivionis Taret

Bon, en version simple sans avoir besoin de passer un doctorat en anglais :

Les métronomes sont sur un socle mouvant,et cela donne une impulsion commune a tout les métronomes, ce qui leur permet de se mettre a la même fréquence.

Fin, je pense, j'ai rien pigé au texte d'alix, j'ai juste regarder la vidéo ...
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Dvil38 En réponse à Oblivionis Asticot

sans être un grand scientifique ni en traduisant le texte je peu t assurer que tu a fort raison..! c est bien la planche du dessous qui influe sur tous les autres... histoire d équilibre des forces sur un plan mobile...!!!
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Biskouaz En réponse à Dvil38 Asticot

En effet, cela n'est possible que parce que la planche sur laquelle repose les métronomes n'est pas fixée. Si les métronomes étaient sur une dalle de béton, ils ne se synchroniseraient jamais.
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eins, zwei !
eins, zwei !
eins, zwei !
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ptesau LoMBriK addict !

Et tu les fait battre à la fréquence de résonance de la planche et CRAC LA PLANCHE ou METRONOME VOLANT !
(après je pense que la fréquence nécessaire serait bien trop importante pour les métronomes)
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BarneyGumbles Lombric Shaolin

Y'a eu quand même un qui leur a dit merde jusqu'à la fin même si il a fini par rentrer dans le rang.
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Biskouaz En réponse à BarneyGumbles Asticot

Le 2eme à droite, ce serait pas Dieudo?
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Dr.zabuza Lombric

la planche me fait penser a l'armée et les métronomes au recrues, le mouvement étant la façon de penser.... a la fin il ne reste Qu'une pensée
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Alejotiko Lombric ® Paint

Ca me fait penser au clip de Staying Alive.
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Biskouaz En réponse à Alejotiko Asticot

Ou bien à "The Wall" de Pink Floyd...
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Tisla Lombric Shaolin

Il rentre en résonance avec la plaque souple... Logique physique.
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trucmoi Ver d'os

à la fin on dirait trop des petits soldats qui avancent
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ValHood Asticot

C'est vrai que c'est remarquable, mais à un moment je suis senti un peu con devant cette vidéo!
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